This time last year, I was in Dallas. Good times, good times. It's gonna be kinda hard to watch the game without longing to be there. By the way, I encourage any college football fan to go to the OU/Texas game. Seriously. It's one of those experiences you remember forever. It's currently number 2 behind my all-time college football experiences.
Number one is the Sugar Bowl championship game OU vs LSU. You cannot beat new orleans at night, 3 days after new year's. God bless New Orleans and I hope it comes back.
Anyway you better go in the next few years before Jerry Jones moves it to Arlington!
Gangsta D:
Longing for some fried coke? Lol

Da Realist:
Not exactly. :-) but you can't get through the day without sufficiently clogging up the blood pipes, no matter how hard you try. And it's so much food around's impossible not to gorge a little bit.
I'm surprised Waldini hadn't been yet. Hadn't it been going on for about 3 weeks now?
Gangsta D:
He's too busy praying for something evil to befall Phil Fulmer:)

You mean Mark Richt :-)
Actually we're going to the State Fair this wknd. It started Sept 21 but this is the first wknd that both the missus and I are here in town at the same time OR don't have anyone coming to visit. Some of the UT fans invited us to participate in their Red River Shootout wknd. Wanted us to pay $20 a pop to watch the game at House of Blues. Notice I said wanted....
BTW, Realist how much are tickets to the actual game? People telling me they run like 400 or some crazy number like that
Gangsta D:
I hear they have fried latte's this year. I mean seriously, does it get any better than that? Lol
Da Realist:
Fried lattes? You know what, I don't think you're kidding either. They sold fried ice cream and fried cheesecake last year so anything's possible.

As for the tickets... yeah, they were expensive. I paid about $250 a pop for ours -- and i got that at a discount because i got em like 6 months early. If you want to go and not have to get a second mortgage... wait until the middle of the 1st quarter to buy. Ticket scalpers are desperate and will sell at a pretty big discount at that
Yep all kind of fried stuff (sweet potato pie, latte, peach cobbler,etc). Take a look for yourself.
Da Realist:
I just told Da Wife about the fried sweet potato pie. That girl loves fried and she loves sweet potato pie. She said, "if they have that next year, we're going!".
Gangsta D:
"That girl loves fried and she loves sweet potato pie."
That is hilarious. You gotta put that on a t-shirt. Or at least "That girl loves fried." I'm totally serious.
Da Realist:

LOL.. I was telling the truth, though. that weekend was the first time ever that she out-ate me. She tried every fried confection in the park that didn't have chocolate in it. I just couldn't keep up. By 6, I was done. I had to drag her to the hotel kicking and screaming at 9.
And she said her mom is WORSE!
Gangsta D:
My only thing is, I don't like eating hot food in the sun. It just seems counterproductive. I've been to the Taste Of chicago twice, but I didn't really eat that much. I love grease, but not when it's 95 degrees outside:)
Da Realist:
Good point. It's not HOThot...but you know you're in Texas, let's put it that way. Or maybe that's because I live in Virginia and we have fall weather up here in october. You should be used to it in south Geogia ;-)
It may not have the same humidity as Houston, South Florida, or Naw'lins but truss it's hot. The heat hasnt downsided as early as it did last year. We still hitting mid 90s during the day, mid 70s at night.
Gangsta D:

Dude, I was in Dallas last August for three days, and it hit 103 on the radar EVERY SINGLE DAY. I'm used to heat, but that was ridiculous. It felt like someone was sitting on my chest, but he was on fire:)
Da Realist:
That's funny as hell LOL...
What was funny about that was people kept saying but it's not as hot as Houston. WTF?!! Humidity or no humidity, hot is hot. No one is standing outside going man that's a dry 103 degree heat. Imagine if it we had humidity, it'd be worse :-)
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