Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ookie Love. Ookie Love.

(If you don't get the reference in the title, then you need to brush up on your early 90's booty shake)

So by now everyone knows that Ron Mexico will now forever be known as Ookie. First time hearing it, I thought that was the worst nickname in the history of bad nicknames. How exactly do you go about getting named Ookie? But, I had to check myself and think back to my childhood. Were any of my friends’ nicknames as bad as Ookie? I don’t know, but there are some pretty interesting ones for damn sure. These are the names I can remember off the top of my head. Which one is the worst? I’d have to go with Foofie. Just because, what the Hell is a Foofie?

Snookie – Played at UGA for a year. Tried to stab me with a toy Rambo knife.
Foofie – Short. White teeth.
Kemo – Bald, but I don’t think he had cancer.
Psycho – Running back. Not especially crazy.
P-Lucky – Missed a grip of 8th grade with a bum leg.
Boo – Not scary.
Pop – Broke his leg, hence the name “Pop.”
Tidy – Umm…used to grab girl’s asses on the bus.
Jap – He physically did live on the other side of the tracks.
Charlie Fox – Always into something.
Junior Boone – Would deep fry hamburgers when we were kids.
Flippio – Had really big eyes.
Bear – Not too ferocious, as he was about 5’ 2” 130 lbs.
Blad – Full nickname was Blad Blublain. Don’t ask, I haven't a fucking clue.
Junior Fat – Linebacker. Not too fat, but would hit the shit out of RBs.
Fat Balls – My female cousin. Not sure if her balls were actually fat.
Gush – Bus driver in 8th grade.
Pooh – Another cousin. Not sure of his balls either.
Peanut – Because his head was shaped thusly.
Pumpkin – Because her body was shaped thusly.
Tink – Short for Tinkerbell.
Dome – Tall. Had a jheri curl in 12th grade.
Big Boy – Not big.
Gut – No gut.
Cheeseburger – Was big. Had a gut. Lost weight after he almost died.
Sly – Silky smooth on the basketball court.
Doo Dirty – Always had smudges on his clothes. Kind of smelled.
Cha Cha – Bomb ass Filipino chick.


Great Waldini said...

Always find a way to get an Asian chick reference in there eh :-)

Gangsta D said...

Come on man. How long have you known me? lol