Thursday, June 04, 2009

Vote For Us!!!!!! Part 1

My girl and I are trying to become t-shirt moguls. There's this website, Threadless, that accepts t-shirt submissions. If your submission is popular enough, you get $500. I know it may seem wrong to beg for support, but if I'm happy then you're happy. And if we're all happy, doesn't that make the world a better place? That's what I thought. So check out the submissions below. Click the link and vote "I'd Wear It." Cool? Cool!

"I only vote on T-shirt slogans!"

"Fuller than a tick in a blood bank!"

"Wanna see what's inside?"

"Ok so what had happened was..."

"I'll stop tomorrow"

"My cigs have seen better days"

"I'm sorry, what??"

"There's HOW many zero's in your bank account?!"

"No the carpet DOESN'T match the drapes.. I have tile :)"

"Sure... for 5$"

"Jager makes this shirt come off"

"Palmetto bugs? Screw you! They fly"



"You know what? I AM unbelievable"

"I WANT that"

"You're such a dork"

"Yeah...That's kind of a problem"

"Like seriously. Go. Away"

"Really? Corduoroy? Seriously?"

"What the frickin hell?!"

"Me?? Noooooo NEVER!!!!... Oh wait... yeah :)"

"Yea... NO"

"I gotz soul flava"

"I'm so down!!"

"Yeah.... Bout that"

"Shots? Yaayaah!!!!"

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