Da Realist:
MJ answers "the question."
Gangsta D:
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Jordan dissed Kobe! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh! He basically called Kobe a bitch. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!
Okay, the best part of this video is the little boy in the background shouting, "Michael, be the MVP!" over and over again.
On some level, I think it's incredibly egotistical to have thousands of people sitting and watching as you play little white kids one on one. But then I thought to myself, "Self, would I enjoy watching that." And then I answered, "Self, HELL YEAH!"
What Kanye song is that?
D, you can't possibly be surprised that Jordan knows he's better than Kobe. I think the only person on the planet who doesn't know that might be you.
Gangsta D:
Yes, that totally shocked me. I had no clue. I definitely figured he would subjugate himself to Kobe.
The Kanye song is Homecoming. Matter of fact they're playing both versions. The first one is the one on his album. The second one is the original one he did on a mixtape a few years back
G-Nice, D might not be the only one on the planet ;-)
You guys are being sarcastic, right? I mean, you're joking, correct? You don't actually think Michael Jordan thinks Kobe is better then himself.
What planet are you from?
c'mon dude you know we're..well I am joking. No comparison. His Airness is King
Gangsta D:
No, I'm completely serious. I also believe Obama is a gay Muslim alien...
You prbly also think Jay Z is a horrible rapper. And that Artest puts the Rockets over the Hump. And that Lil Wayne's album is a classic......
Wait, now you're confusing me.
Realist, are you following the off season. Apparently, the Bulls are looking at Brad Miller. I'd be okay with that. And apparently somebody out there is interested in Larry Hughes. If we could make that happen, I might pee my pants. In fact, I'm more excited about losing Larry Hughes than signing Ben Gordon. I like him, but he's asking for a lot. And he's small. I mean, I'm taller than he is. And I can shoot almost good. Just kidding. D, now you know how you sound.
Gangsta D:
"I sound like a sensible fucking man. That's what I sound like."
Don't quote my movies. You haven't earned it.
Gangsta D:
Haven't earned it? So what does that mean? "Coffee's for closers?" Read more!