I'm hearing Ainge is mortgaging the future (Green, Jefferson, Gomes, Telfair, etc) to get KG in a Celtics uni. So now you got Pierce, Allen, and Garnett all on the same team. I read Simmons' pieceon it and liked the comparison to that '97 Rockets team that had Dream, Glide, and Chuckster. What'chu guys think? Do they win 50 plus? Make the Conf finals? Make the NBA Finals?
If nothing more than a revenue kicker, at least they know the season passses are about to become scarce in Beantown.
Gangsta D:
Just on rep, they would have to be co-favorites along with Chicago. They're all past 30 and never sniffed a title, so I imagine they would keep their egos in control. I think they win 50+ games and make a Conference Finals trip, at the least.
Da Realist:
Isn't doc rivers still coaching the celts? hahaha...yeah right. they may only make it cause the east is so weak. i say they fall apart under the increased expectations.
Gangsta D:
Yeah, Doc is the X-Factor. I can't deny that. But a team with Pierce, Ray, and KG HAS to win 50 games and go deep into the playoffs don't they? Don't they?!?
Da Realist:
A rabid fan base that EXPECTS a run to the title. a coach who gets outclassed every game. 3 stars who've had problems handling expectations. i don't like it. i smell collapse come april/may.
Gangsta D:
I'm not saying they'll win the title, but I just can't see them flaming out. Maybe I should be more cynical. But this can't fail horribly. Even Doc can't completely screw this up.
Doc's track record in the postseason hasnt exactly echoed memories of KC Jones. But I agree, he has 3 legit All-stars on his team, he cant completely screw that up. Only way they should fall under 50 wins is if one of the 3 gets injured. They have depth and PG issues to address but overall, I at least like Ainge for gambling now. Read more!